So today, let’s discuss people watching. Everyone does it whether they do it consciously or not. Not all of my people watching is deliberate. Sometimes it’s a simple matter of boredom setting in. Most of the time my people watching is simple observation. Although, from time to time, the analogies I have whizzing through my mind bring a smile or a smirk. I honestly don’t set out to be mean spirited. That’s not to say there haven’t been times I’ve seen someone walk past, dressed in some unusual way and made the comment under my breath, “Wow I guess they don’t have a mirror!” (I believe I’ve mentioned, I tend to be sarcastic.)
If I’m going to be completely frank, living where I do, there is more than the average chance of seeing something out of the ordinary. I have noticed however, that it takes a little help from time to time to truly appreciate what I’m seeing.
Take for example, the other evening. My friend and I observed someone who had been in the same place for quite a while. They were standing near the street engaging in a lengthy cell phone conversation. No reason to cast aspersions on this person. But, as they were dressed from head to toe in red and were rather stocky in build, when my friend mentioned the similarity to a ketchup bottle, I couldn’t help but agree. It wasn’t truly judgmental, it was just a comical comparison that couldn’t be avoided. I give full credit to my friend for coming up with that comparison, although I confess to my agreeing most enthusiastically with it within a heartbeat in time. Our shared opinion was followed by several minutes of hearty laughter as we debated whether we were looking at Heinz, Hunts, or a store brand variety of ketchup bottle. I know, it’s disgraceful!
Another observation that I made when on my own, enjoying a long overdue beach day, brought thoughts of David Attenborough narrating a program about the wonders in the natural world.
I was at a particular beach, where snorkeling is excellent. The proximity to a pier provides structure for a greater variety of wildlife in a concentrated area. As I scanned the horizon, actually just admiring the waves rolling in, I spotted a gentleman emerging from the water. He was post snorkel and removing his mask and fins while making his way to a nearby blanket occupied by a young woman perusing a magazine.
As he approached the blanket and shook his gear to remove excess water, I observed something I had never seen before. Bear in mind, I don’t happen to snorkel, but upon seeing it for the first time, it couldn’t help but get my attention.
At first he bent one knee upward, not unlike a flamingo. He followed that by tilting his head to the other side and jumping up and down several times on the foot that had remained planted on the ground. With each jump, he also tipped his head back-and-forth from side to side. This was repeated in reverse, knee up, standing on one foot, head tilt, jump, jump, jump, jump, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. I understand he was simply trying to remove excess water from his ear canal. I however could not help but think of some exotic bird mating dance. Unfortunately, if it had been a mating dance, it wouldn’t have had any effect whatsoever, as the attractive young woman who appeared to be with him, was thoroughly engrossed in her fashion magazine.
With a broad smile on my face I turned away and devoted my attention to the pelican flying overhead. I guess the lesson learned here is that I’m able to find joy and or entertainment in every day things. Is that somehow going to change the world? Of course not. But if we can all find a little something to bring levity to each day then I think we’re better off. I promise I won’t buy a mirror for that person who doesn’t own one if you promise to try and smile a little more.
So, I’m not sure if I am getting lazy or just older, but I love it when the weekend arrives! I suppose we all do. Even if you don’t work a full-time Monday to Friday job there’s a special kind of weekend feeling. A vibe that makes the days different somehow. That’s where the trouble begins.
I find myself jealously guarding my weekend time. Friends call to invite me to activities or meals or events. When I accept, I enjoy myself immensely. The company, if nothing else, is great. After all, it is my friends I’m with. If I didn’t like them, we wouldn’t be friends in the first place!
Talking myself into participating is the tricky part. It isn’t even as though I was going to do anything amazing on my own. It’s the idea of not having the time to do whatever I want to do. As if I could change life dramatically left to my own devices, undisturbed. Like, I might end hunger or bring about world peace.
So, back to the question, am I being lazy? Do sleeping in and catching the game on TV really make me happiest? Does using the time to clean out the closet and mop my floor really give me a sense of accomplishment? Is it really about working on my tan or understanding the value of time?
When I was a youngster older people talked about time being the most valuable thing there is. That is true. Time is the one commodity that can’t be bought. It’s value, priceless.
Do I view it differently now because I have started to think I have less time available? Am I trying to make the most of it? What does that really mean? Maybe it truly is about the life in your years and not the years in your life. Does that mean doing more is the answer…or doing less? What is the right thing to do? Is there a solution or is this another great mystery that will never truly be solved?
It doesn’t make matters any easier that I live in an area where the term “island time” is bandied about so cavalierly. The term is synonymous with procrastination.
There is definitely something to be said for taking life a little slower. Whether it’s because you’re a senior, or simply because you have a much needed day off from work. But, always pushing things to,” mañana”, can result in a perpetual state of limbo.
If there is one thing that I simply cannot handle, it’s limbo!
So again, we have another question to clarify. I’m all for the practice of savoring those moments that we’ll never see again. Not all moments, however, are in need of savoring. We all have to find a way to navigate between obligations and responsibilities and self-care. Now there’s a new term for you.
Although expressions like,” you can’t pour from an empty vessel,” have been around for generations. It’s only recently that the term self-care has become commonplace, and again, self-care is something we each have to define for ourselves.
So sometimes savoring and self-care involve chips and salsa and a ball game. Sometimes it’s a couple of hours stretched out on soft, warm sand, listening to the waves and the sea birds. Maybe you need a spa day or just a walk in the woods. Whatever the definition is for you, whatever you need to recharge, refill and refresh. I hope you find it. Not just today but with great frequency. Until next time…
Today I was thinking about the weather. In part because we had a little
bit of a change in the weather where I happen to live, but also because
it occurred to me how very different everyone’s opinion of good weather
can be.
We all know someone who prefers it cooler, and we probably all know
someone who prefers it warmer. We also probably all know those
people who love to see the “change of the seasons“.
But, have you ever stopped to think about how drastically different some
of those opinions really are? For instance, for the people who say they
like it cooler or cold what exactly is their definition of cold?
I think it’s chilly when it drops into the low 70s. You’ll find me wearing
something with sleeves, a light jacket or even a sweater when it drops
below 70. Other people will run around wearing tank tops and shorts in
those temperatures.
My friend who lives in Maine occasionally sends me pictures of postcard
worthy snow scenes that are just outside her window. Often she
includes the weather forecast which features lows below zero. I can’t
imagine how anyone can even function with those kinds of
Some people I know consider it sweltering when it just touches the 80s.
I’ve lived quite a few places and recall one locale that had summer
temperatures of triple digits regularly. Not heat index temps but actual
temperatures. That coupled with humidity in the 90’s percentile was truly
sweltering in my opinion.
It is true that it’s lovely to see the first flowers of Spring poking their
colorful little heads out into the fresh air. Just like it’s truly beautiful when
you see the leaves begin to change color with the first chill of Autumn.
But I’ve come to the conclusion that Spring and Fall in most locations
has far too much temperature waffling to be truly enjoyable.
Seriously, a mild morning can turn into a genuinely cold evening. You
better be prepared!
Now, I enjoy the occasional rainy day as much as the next person.
Something about the sound of rain hitting the roof overhead is very
soothing, but I can only enjoy a day or two at a time. I will even admit to
stomping in puddles and doing my best at imitating Gene Kelly from
Singing In the Rain. But, days of socked in rains, gloomy skies, and
occasional rumbles of thunder with cracks of lightning can make it
anything but enjoyable.
And while I am as enthralled as any four-year-old by big fat, fluffy, white
snowflakes drifting down from the sky, I can only truly enjoy them when
I’m looking at them through a window. Again, I have had my share of fun
building snowmen and making snowballs but once I get cold I’m done! I
want to be inside a warm house with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand
as I admire those glistening masterpieces of nature floating in the air.
So, for me, the best weather is a bright sunny day in the low 80’s with a
gentle breeze. And if I’m going to be completely honest, I think I could
have that every single day and not get at all tired of it. What is your idea
of the best weather?